Tips for traveling with celiac disease

Traveling as a celiac can be an exciting experience, but it also requires extra precautions. Here are some recommendations to make your trip safe and enjoyable:

  1. Do your research before you travel: Investigate gluten-free offerings in the place you are traveling to. Look for blogs, social networks and testimonials from other people with celiac disease. Make sure the information is up to date, as options may change over time.
  2. Contact the local celiac association: Before traveling, contact the celiac association at your destination. They can provide valuable information about restaurants, stores and gluten-free options.
  3. Make your own “celiac map”: after researching and asking the local association, mark those restaurants you found interesting on a map.
  4. Make a reservation in advance: if you know where to eat, make a reservation so you don’t run out of room in that restaurant that suits your needs.
  5. Prepare a “celiac kit”: Take with you some basic gluten-free foods, such as our sliced bread, vacuum-packed cold meats and snacks, such as our palms. This will help you in the first few days until you become familiar with the local options.
  6. Learn useful phrases in the local language: If you are traveling abroad, prepare a short explanation of celiac disease in the language of the country you are visiting. This will help you communicate with the locals and ask for gluten-free options in restaurants.
  7. Check with the airline: If you are traveling by plane, ask about gluten-free menu options when you book your ticket. Also, bring some snacks just in case.
  8. Keep a positive attitude: Travel is always unexpected, but keeping a positive attitude will make it all more bearable. Enjoy the adventure!

I hope these tips will be useful for your next trip, have a good trip and take care of yourself! 😊🌍

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